Sep 29, 2010

Dear Carolyn~

A friend recently brought this article to my attention (thanks Misty!).  Somehow it hit home...and somehow made me feel better about the lack of things I get done in a day yet how much stress I can feel while getting so little done!  ;)

Having been a friend without kids to people with kids, I can kind of relate to "Tacoma."  It's hard to understand just how demanding being a mother (or parent) is unless you've been there yourself.  And it's easy to get your feelings hurt when a friend stops calling or puts you on the back burner (as I think happened to this reader).

However, after being a mom you realize just how many things you are responsible for.  Trivial things, like putting away your toys when you're done with them, making sure little teeth are brushed, and that at least some fresh fruits and vegetables are eaten throughout the day.  As well as the important things like teaching manners, about God, and holding hands before crossing the street.  And I love how she mentions not pulling all the books off the shelf...I can sure relate to that!  But to us parents who are currently in "kid-land," it's a good reminder to make time for the other people in our life as well.  
Sep 19, 2010

Signs of Fall

There are lots of signs of fall around our house lately!  I don't know if it's memories of the first few weeks of school, football games, or camping trips, but just the feeling of fall makes me happy.  We made a big pot of chili this weekend and cornbread muffins.

I think chili is one of those foods that is probably a little different everywhere you get it.  In fact, rarely does my chili turn out the same twice!  This time I really liked the recipe, so I'm going to write it at the bottom of this post exactly what I did -- mostly for my memory so I can make it again, but if you're up for trying out a new chili recipe you might like it too!  Callie liked it...

Can you believe it's already mid-September?  Time is just flying be, we must be having fun (or are super busy and have been working hard)!  This weekend we've also been remodeling/renovating/updating our master bathroom.  Good-bye, taupe's about time we got rid of you!  ;)  I had such a hard time deciding on paint color, that's probably the reason we are just getting around to painting it now.  I went with this color by Martha Stewart.  I also got these oval-tilt mirrors with glass shelves to go under each one.  Hopefully it will all go together!

Here's my chili recipe - let me know what you think if you make it!

Nealy's Fall Chili

3 lbs ground beef (I used 93% lean)
3/4 yellow onion, finely chopped
3/4 green pepper, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 lg can whole tomatoes
1 lg can diced tomatoes
2 cans Hunt's tomato sauce
1 can dark red kidney beans
2 lag cans Bush's medium chili beans
1 T cumin
4 T chili powder
2 T sugar
salt and pepper

Cook onion and pepper until soft; add garlic and beef, and cook until done.  Drain beef then add remaining ingredients and simmer 30 minutes.  Enjoy!!!
Sep 16, 2010

Double Stroller Review {decision made...check!}

Ah, stoller shopping!  There's something fun and exciting about it.  A new baby, a new double stroller.  I'm not sure when a stroller turned from a functional baby item to almost an accessory, but there sure are some pretty rockin' strollers out there.

First, the Phil and Ted's.  Before really looking, I always kind of assumed that this would be my double stroller of choice.  I have a few friends that use it (she was the first one that told me about it), and they seem to really like it.  It's stylish yet practical.  It's from New Zealand.  And it can be both a single and a double stroller (the second seat can be purchased separately).  I don't quite understand the different models (Dash, Sport, Classic, and now Explorer) since the stores that sell these tend to only carry only one model at a time.

Next in the running, the Uppa Baby.  My sister actually has this stroller in black, it is so cool and they seem to be really happy with it.  There's an attachment called a Rumbleseat, which is similar to the Phil and Ted's tandem seat.  This would be a great option as a first stroller that can grow with your family.

Another stroller in that's similar is the Britax B Ready.  It seems pretty convenient as a double or single. Britax is known for their quality carseats, so I'm sure the strollers are great too.  However, it did seem pretty huge when I was pushing it around at the store.

Thanks to Deadra, I just discovered that Bugaboo is coming out with a double stroller in April.  It's called the Donkey, and it looks pretty cool.  I will be a teensy bit sad to part with our single one; we've loved it and it has served us well.

However, last but certainly not least is... Baby Jogger's City Select.  Kiley and I were at the state fair a few weeks ago and saw a lady with this stroller and had to ask what it was called.  I think the pictures speak for themselves.  One stroller.  Sixteen different options for the seat/seat-carseat/seat-seat/carseat-carseat combination.  It looks and feels like a Bugaboo, just with another seat on the front (or car seat).  I've read really great reviews about this stroller and it was even sold out for months when it first came out.  I always told myself that a perfect stroller does not exist, but this one just might have changed my mind.  Best part is?  It's super easy to use, fold, unfold, etc.  Even a grandma can learn to use it, I'm told.  ;)

So I think I've made my decision. Are there any readers who have this stroller?  If so, I would love to hear from you.  

Sep 15, 2010

First Day of School

Callie had her first day of  "school" this week!  By school, I mean her first day of her Mother's Day Out program. We packed up her backpack (from here) with lots of fun things like a sack lunch, sippy cup, blankee and paci.  

She did great!   She didn't cry and jumped right in and started playing with the kids when we got there.  It's a great Christian-based program, and the teachers are wonderful too.  Callie even has a friend, Turner, who is in her class.  When I picked her up, the teachers said they were impressed by her talking and signing (I'm sure this was for "more" Apple Jacks since we don't have those at home!) and how much she loves to sing, dance, and do actions to the songs.  Overall, it was a successful day and I think she had a lot of fun!

The best part was, I cleaned my whole house, including finally putting the sheets on the guest beds (that had been sitting on the floor for a week).  I was amazed at what I can get done when I don't have a little munchkin following me around messing everything up!  ;)  It was great to have a few hours off, and I will definitely be looking forward to next week!

P.S. No Callie didn't take the bus.  It just happened to be in the background at the perfect time.  ;)
Sep 14, 2010

Yum, Nutella Pumpkin Bread

You don't have to read this blog for long to discover that I love Nutella.  So when a friend sent me the link for this recipe, I knew it was something I would be making.  What happens when you combine pumpkin bread with Nutella? Mmm...

Happy fall, everyone!  You can find the recipe here at Two Peas and Their Pod.  Oh, is anyone else having a hard time finding canned pumpkin???  

Sep 12, 2010

Same and Different

What do you think about matching sisters?  I got the girls their first matching outfits, these strawberry pintucked tops from our favorite store.  I'm excited to have two little girls.  They will be less than two years apart, so they may even share the same friends.  They'll probably be best friends too {hopefully, at times}.

However, things have been quite different already than when we were at this point with Callie.

  • We don't really have a name yet.  With Callie, we "just knew" the name was right quite early on.  
  • I haven't even looked at double strollers, at all.  By this time with Callie, I had researched and tested just about every stroller in the universe.
  • I haven't started yet on the baby's room, but I think we're going to use Callie's room for the baby and move Callie to a new room with a "big girl" bed.  At least that decision has been made!
  •  I've only looked at our ultrasound pictures a few times.  I stared and stared at Callie's little pictures a million times.
  • Belly bump pictures?  What belly bump pictures?

Reading back through what I just wrote, I almost feel guilty for admitting these things!  Obviously, I love this baby just as much as Callie.  But I've been much busier this pregnancy, and also much more tired so I get fewer things done in a day {since I definitely don't sleep until 9am anymore}.  I don't have time to just sit around and read baby gear reviews, daydream about snuggling with a little newborn, or anything like that.

Quite a few people have asked me if I think Callie understands that we're having a baby.  I wasn't sure until last week when she really surprised me.

We were reading the Big Sister Book {thanks S}and I pointed out the pictures on the page and said "mommy, daddy, Callie, and the baby!"  She then leaned over to me at pulled up my shirt, patted my tummy, and said "baby."

This really surprised me that she put two and two together.  Maybe she's understanding things more than we think she is.  However, I think she still will be very surprised when we bring her little sister home from the hospital!
Sep 10, 2010

A Few Sizes Too Small

I'll take one of each in my size too, please.

Callie got a little new fall wardrobe today.  How cute is this stuff?  I think I would wear all of it.  Too bad it's all just a few sizes too small.  ;)  

We found it all here.
Sep 9, 2010

Hello World!

Not sure exactly where we've been, but it's been good.  And busy.  We've been cooking, eating, sleeping, playing, and taking goofy pictures with messy faces. 

Callie had a little trip to Grandma Camp last week for 4.5 days.  It was a long and short week both at the same time.  The house was quiet and we missed her so much.  But we also got so much done and stayed out late most nights, went out to eat, and did things that we "used to do." We also tiled our own backsplash.  I know you're all just dying to see how my kitchen looks this week, but it's currently too messy for pictures.  :)

What happens at grandma's stays at grandma's.  Ha, ha, let's hope that's not really true.  :)  Or maybe hope that it is true???  Grandma had a slide and Callie loved it.  Supposedly she wouldn't share it with anyone, either.  Watch out, baby #2!

Callie also learned another new word (or fifty).  "Owie." She likes to point out her owies and "bug bites."   Here she is, demonstrating her self-inflicted "owie" {which is really a here for more info about that}. 

One thing that did not stay and grandma's is the pacifier.  Although she hasn't used a pacifier in over a year, grandma tried it again to help her little arm heal up.  It's working. 

We've been doing a little cooking here and there.  Her first "onion" tears. 

One of my new favorite breakfast foods to make is a breakfast pizza.  It's just your favorite pizza dough topped with sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, cheese, and your choice of meats or vegetables.  It's definitely a "man's" breakfast.  Make this for your husband and he will be a happy man.  :)

Is anyone else totally ready for fall? 

 It's by far my favorite season and I decided to kick-off the beginning with a new candle today from Target {yes, that's our new backsplash and counters - white subway tile and Carrara marble, my dream kitchen is slowly coming together...more on that coming soon}.

Have a good weekend!  It's almost Friday!


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