Sep 23, 2008

Proverbs 31 for the 21st Century Woman

My friend Christy wrote a personal "translation" of Proverbs 31 and posted it on her blog a few weeks ago. I printed it out, and am really challenged by it's words. It displays a great picture of the kind of wife I want to be! I thought I would share it with you all that don't read her blog. Thanks, Christy!

An excellent wife is hard to find these days, because she is more valuable than stocks or bonds or winning the lottery. She's worth billions!

Her husband doesn't have any reason to doubt her abilities or her decisions, and he can put his full trust in her. With her by his side, he knows he has everything he needs. Every day she is a help, rather than a hindrance, to him.

She searches for top quality products for the household, and loves to make things and do things herself when possible, rather than buying it or paying someone else to do it for her, even if it means it takes her extra work or time.

She goes across town even though it's not as convenient, to get the best deals and quality in groceries for her family. She clips coupons and brings along her reusable bags.

She gets up early in the morning, sometimes when it's still dark out, to prepare breakfast, throw a roast in the crockpot for dinner, and pack a sack lunch for her husband. If she doesn't have the time or the resources to get everything done that needs to be done for her family, she hires trusted helpers and delegates appropriate work to them. She treats these workers well, and doesn't take advantage of people.

She carefully considers investments and makes wise choices with her money, paying up front with cash rather than using credit. With her profits she makes purchases that will continue giving back to her family. She budgets, and sticks to the budget. She pays the family bills on time.

She does things to increase her own emotional strength, (such as spending time in the Word and in prayer) as well as her physical strength (she works out and eats right!).

She knows that her hard work is worth all the effort, and that she will, some day, see the fruit of her labor. This motivates her to keep working hard, often staying up late at night to finish whatever needs to be done.

She is handy at home, fixing and mending and making things as her abilities enable her.

She is generous, and makes an effort to reach out to the poor and needy, and others less fortunate. She teaches her children to do the same.

She doesn't worry about her husband or kids being cold when winter comes, because she has already made sure everyone has high quality coats, hats, mittens, and clothes before the seasons change. (In fact, it's quite possible she bought them at the end of the season last year when they were on clearance!) She plans ahead.

She is modestly but very nicely dressed.

Her husband has a good reputation and is thought of highly by the general public and leaders as well, partly due to his wife's hard work, service, well-behaved children & her tasteful appearance.

She is resourceful at finding ways to earn extra income here and there, making and selling things at garage sales and on Craigslist or Ebay.

She isn't a wimp, and has a quiet confidence about her. She doesn't worry, but looks forward to the days and weeks to come with joyful anticipation.

People listen when she speaks, because she only says something if she knows it will benefit the listener. Her comments are wise, and her words are kind. She doesn't grumble, complain, or whine.

She's not one to just sit around; in fact, she doesn't have time to be lazy, because she is so busy taking good care of her family. She puts their needs above her own.

Her kids love her, and get up in the morning happy to see her and thanking her for all she does for them. Her husband also praises her and tells her often, "babe, there are a lot of good wives out there, but you're the best of the best!"

Smooth-talking women are hiding their true character, and beauty is only surface deep; it won't last forever. But a woman who fears the Lord will shine. She will have something to show for her hard work & God-honoring attitude: precious fruit harvested from a life lived in service.


Anonymous said...

Nealy - I LOVE this! It's such a great modern translation and a great model. Thanks for posting it! -beth

Holmfamily said...

I love it and I am definitely going to be printing this out! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I recently started a study called "Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be: A 90-Day Guide to Living the Proverbs 31 Life" so I've been thinking a lot lately about the Proverbs 31 wife and how to become more like her example. Interesting to read this persepctive!

Nate and Natalie said...

Love it! By the way, how was your trip, I think you need to post some pics. Love to get together sometime.

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