Apr 26, 2008


I first heard about blogging from a friend. I didn’t quite understand exactly what it was or why she did it. She explained that it’s sort of like an online diary that helps people stay updated on their life. So, I started reading their blog. Then I started reading their blog almost every day.

I started reading more blogs. They were all very interesting. Mostly blogs of friends, sometimes friends of friends. More recently, I decided to join the world of blogging myself. It’s definitely a world of its own!

This leads me to a conversation I had the other night with another friend (note to friend: if you’re reading this, I hope you don’t mind). She confided in me that she is a blog stalker. Her “guilty pleasure” is reading blogs (probably yours if you are reading this!), even if she does not know the person. She finds it fascinating. But don’t we all? Isn’t that why you are reading this right now?!

I’ve come to a conclusion about our society: we want to know the realness in people’s lives. This is similar to the enthrallment that we have with reality television. Our style of entertainment has changed; it’s genuine “real life” that we are interested in. We no longer care as much about the scripted stuff as we do about getting a glimpse into people’s daily lives, which is what reality television is all about. In a way, a blog is a glimpse into a person’s life.

Even though the prospect of having people I hardly know (or don’t know) read about my life freaks me out a little, it is also pretty fun. I enjoy thinking of things to write about, finding recipes to share with friends, and sharing pictures about what we’ve been up to. So, whether I know you or not, welcome to my blog and to a glimpse of my life!


Anonymous said...

I am totally a blog stalker. I can't help myself. But luckily I know you, so it isn't that weird! :)

Kiki said...

I also am a blog stalker. Wait until you want to tell someone something that you read on a blog, do you say, my friend, or this blog I read once, it's so confusing! Especially when it is your husband you are trying to explain yourself to. Why are you crying? She just lost her babies, don't you understand?! Ah, the blogging life, I doubt I will ever be able to give it up!

Amanda said...

Well put, my friend, well put!

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