Jan 22, 2009

Calling All Moms: A Poll

For the last few weeks, there's been one specific question that I've been interested in hearing the answer to...

How soon or late did you have your first baby?

As I'm sitting here, just one day before my "due date," I'm wondering what it's been like for other moms?

If you read this and it applies to you, please answer my poll (top right of this blog). Oh, and feel free to leave a comment with any stories or advice on labor and everything...



peter marie said...

That's a fun poll! Those last few days of waiting are so hard and seem so long. I'm already starting to feel it and I have 2 months left!
With Henry I went 3 days early according to my calendar due date and right on the day according to my first ultrasound. My labor was ridiculously long, but I think that was a rare deal.

Hope you enjoy these last few days. Can't wait to hear the news!

The Chidisters said...

As painful as labor can be, just enjoy the process. It really is amazing what your body does to bring your little one into the world. I was in labor for 18 hours with Abbie but I really enjoyed it (of course I can say that now.) This might be gross but I threw up a lot while I was in labor and no one ever told me that was something that could happen. I have since talked to other moms who that has happened to and I guess it isn't that rare. Hopefully you can avoid that altogether but that is the one thing I wish I would have known. Enjoy your last days of pregnancy before your little girl arrives. We can't wait to hear your news!

Christy said...

I agree with Amanda...it's an amazing process! I went 2 days early with Audrey, and was in labor for 15 hours. But keep in mind I spent the first 12 hours at home, just having contractions. If your water doesn't break and you're still fairly comfortable, don't feel like you have to rush to the hospital! I took a bath, (shaved my legs!) :) scrapbooked, sat on my exercise ball, took the dog for a walk...all which helped me to feel good, and helped work towards a natural labor. Once I got to the hospital, she was born in just 3 hours! You can do it!!!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel! I was 41 weeks and finally had a C-Section because of my high blood pressure and no dilation/labor signs. Hang in there. IT IS SO HARD!

Jenny said...

Nealy, you sound like you are in such a good mood for being at the end of pregnancy. I remember when I was at the end I was SO grumpy So many people told me their birth horror stories and I got so annoyed. I was a week late and I can't say I enjoyed labor. Mine was horribly long (30 hours and 3 hours of pushing ending in a csection) but that is so rare. I agree with the others...enjoy it! You'll feel so victorious afterward and amazed at what your body can do. Remember that almost every woman before you has done it. I had my heart set on a natural birth (no drugs) but I was crying for an epidural by the time I was only dilated to a 3. Epidurals are WONDERFUL (for me anyway). My ONLY advice would be just to be flexible. Don't be disappointed if you can't follow your birth plan. I didn't want a c-section, but after 30 hours it sounded great... plus it probably saved our lives. And, when they give you your baby girl for the first time, really try to let the moment sink it. It'll be one of the best moments of your life.

Marcus, Rebecca, Buddy, and Doodle said...

It is absolutely the most wonderful thing you will ever do! I felt the strongest woman in the world. I don't know if you've ever read "The Red Tent" it's a novel based on Jocob's wives in the Old Testament and they talk about the labor process back then. I just reminded myself that labor is the one way that I am truly connected to all of those amazing woman that I admire from God's word. I stayed as relaxed as possible, I had no drugs, and my first, Chase, was born in just 4.5 hours - start to finish. Walk a lot between now and then, it really seems to hurry things up if you stay moving! I'm so excited for you!!!!

Marcus, Rebecca, Buddy, and Doodle said...

If you want to know some of the things that can happen, that no one ever tells you, feel free to call me! My number is 805/720-1828. I'm totally serious! No one ever tells some of the details because they forget or they are embarrassing, but it's only fair for new mom's to know!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I went into the hospital with a high leak the day of my due date - I wasn't "in labor", but because my amniotic fluid was leaking they induced labor because they want the baby out within 24 hours for fear of infection. They put me on pitosin(sp?) - which you can't get up and move around at that point. I dialated very slowly, got an epidural after about 9 hrs, they broke my water after 12 hrs - I was in labor for 19 hrs, pushed for 1.5 of those, only to find out Evan wouldn't fit anyway and they had to do a c-section. Ugh... Not the most fun, but SOOOOO worth it! You will do great, no matter how your labor & delivery turns out!! Good luck!

Amanda said...

You already know how I feel about labor/delivery!!!! :) It's wonderful.

It's SO weird to see your ticker say "Zero" on the side of your blog. Now what will it say tomorrow..."-1?"

Hope you're doing okay!

Bwall said...

Nealy, I would say, just like so many other things, don't let your expectations rule over your experience. Things will change and you just have to go with the flow. I was induced and didn't want to be (was kind of pressured into it by my doctor) but it turned out just fine in the end. i was open to epidural or no epidural...at 5cm and lots of pitocin later I was more than open to the epidural! after that my labor was nice and pleasant. i experienced both the crazy most-pain-you've-ever-felt contractions and the relaxed version. after my epidural i was calm my family all came in and we spent the rest of the day up until 45min before i delivered joking and telling stories etc. you are stuck in the bed but for me it was way better than the mind blowing contractions i experienced with induction. how ever it goes the result is the same...your beautiful child. God Bless!

dannyandjessie said...

I think that they just shouldn't give us due dates! We like to plan and have everything ready and by gosh the baby has to be here when that date comes. The truth is God knows just exactly when that baby was starting to form and how long she/he needs to be inside the womb! So trust in the wonderful design that God has created, even when it's terribly hard. I had Townes 8 days late, and thought he'd never come! The pressure of the date really can cause a lot of anxiety. People calling, everyone asking, but just try to relax and she'll come in the Lord's time! Plus, your momma is one you should really take strength from. Wow, all those babies with no drugs!! Amazing!

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