Jun 13, 2011

My Latest Pizza Dough Recipe

I've been searching for awhile now for the perfect pizza dough recipe.  I'm not sure if I've found it yet, but I have been happy with a recipe I found for Neopolitan Pizza Dough (recipe follows). It's great on the grill or in the oven.  If you haven't grilled your pizzas yet, I definitely recommend giving it a try. Grilling pizzas is a difficult skill to master, but it's the best way to get that wood-fired pizza at home.

And if you don't have a breadmaker yet, I definitely recommend you get one. It saves so much time and really who has time for kneading dough?  :)  I use mine primarily for pizza dough (of course), cinnamon rolls (I will have to share w/ you my recipe sometime), and my Light Oat bread.

This pizza dough recipe makes so much that we decided to stick half of it in a plastic bag and freeze for another day.

Callie likes to eat the dough - um, yuck!

Here's the recipe if you want to give it a try:

Neapolitan Pizza Dough

2.5 t yeast
1 c lukewarm water
1 t sugar
1 T flour

4.5 c flour
1 c lukewarm water
2 T olive oil
1 t salt

Combine first four ingredients in bowl and wisk together.  Cover and let sit 15 minutes until mixture turns foamy.  Add to bottom of breadmaker and add remaining ingredients.  Set on "dough" setting.  When done, roll out on pizza pan/pizza stone with a little flour (can add some cornmeal to the bottom of the crust for texture).  Top with desired ingredients and bake at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes or until done.  I recommend this easy homemade Neopolitan pizza sauce recipe.  Dough makes enough for two pizzas.

And here's Clara...oh, Clara...

Isn't she sweet?  She's almost six months now and I think I could eat her to pieces.

She's rolling all over the place, giggling, and loves to cuddle.  Have you ever seen a sweeter baby girl? :)


  1. OH! Clara's outfit reminded me that we have that outfit too! I can't wait to get it out this fall. Cute kids...oh, and the pizza looks good too. :)

  2. love the last one of Clara. ;)
