Apr 9, 2011

Follow-Up Stroller Review {Baby Jogger City Select}

Last I posted about getting a double stroller, I had just made the decision on the City Select by Baby Jogger. We did end up getting this stroller, thanks so much to our super generous in-laws!  And I have to say, we love it.  It really has been a perfect double stroller for our situation.

We didn't get the bassinet (just isn't necessary), but we did buy the carseat adaptor (to go with our Maxi Cosi- same carseat as pictured below), which has been super convenient - especially in the Minnesota winters.  It is a little heavy/large, and I would not recommend taking it to Europe or anything, but what double-stroller isn't big and bulky?  I do get lots of compliments on and questions about it wherever I go.

So is it worth the price?  Absolutely if it's a gift.  ;)  And definitely if you will be using it for multiple kids (that's what I figure- chances are we'll be using this for the next 6+ years).  Would I get this stroller for one child to use as a single stroller?  Probably not because of the unnecessary size, unless of course you were planning to have more children very soon.  

There you go!  My stroller review.  Are you a "stroller person?"  What's your favorite single or double stroller?


  1. I can't remember if I Told you this or not but we totally got the 2011 model of the City Select. It's still in the box but I can't wait to use it! Sooooo many people here have this stroller and LOVE it.

  2. After your first post about the stroller I started researching it as we had the Foray as it worked with our Maxi Cosi carseat but with baby #2 on the way we needed something to hold both and we love it! I am not sure if I have commented before but I do adore your blog :)

  3. I have a Croozer 525 bike trailer/ jogger and I LOVE it! It is wide but who cares!? As long as its light, good quality and does the job then I'm fine with it :)

    It is super good quality though and has lots of storage. So far, I love using it both for running and pulling behind my bike.

  4. This is great information, since I am CLUELESS about all of this stuff, and need to get "in the know" pretty quick here :) Currently, I'm looking for good recommendations for a single jogger/stroller--got any thoughts?

  5. Awesome post!by a used baby jogger brand jogger from craigslist or ebay... they once made them in usa and are rated number 1 in safety and other areas.Thanks!

  6. wow !
    amazing strollers !
    Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you!
    i only buy this brand/flavor for my kids. toms of maine, burns their mouths. read more. Thanks !

  7. Baby jogger City Select by Baby Jogger really has been a perfect double stroller for our situation. It has been super convenient, especially in the Minnesota winters. And definitely you can use it for multiple kids.
