Feb 8, 2011

J'adore Paris

About a week or two before Clara was born, Kyle and I went out to dinner and he asked me what my "ultimate day" would be like (we ask each other silly questions like this when we're out on dates).  My answer?  A day just the two of us in Paris, walking around, seeing the sites, eating the food, watching the people, just being there together.  It's probably my favorite city in the world to visit, and no matter how many times I go, it just leaves me wanting to go back. Coincidentally, about a week after our conversation, Kyle found out he would be going on a business trip to Europe.  And, it just happened to work out that I could come along for part of it.  What funny timing!

Now, bringing a newborn with me to Paris wasn't exactly part of my original idea, but it actually worked out quite well.  She spent almost all day strapped to her daddy's chest {in the Baby Bjorn} and as you could imagine got lots of attention from everyone we saw!  She's a lucky little girl getting to go to Paris one her one-month birthday, too bad she slept through most of it.  :)  The direct flight was a huge blessing, and she did spectacular on the plane ride.

We also celebrated our seven year anniversary as part of the trip.  La Tour Eiffel has some significance to us because it's where we got engaged, so we took lots of pictures of it.  And we just happened to have a view of it from our hotel room, which was perfect {and unplanned}.  My favorite part was when it lights up and sparkles at night - so romantic!  We definitely had some chilly days, but we were bundled up at spent lots of time in little cafes, drinking coffee and eating chocolate croissants (I just can't get enough of those).  And I think I had enough bread, cheese, and chocolate to last me a lifetime (or not).

Here's a little peak into our time in Paris.  I had a tough decision of whether or not to bring my "fancy" camera, and in the end decided to leave it at home, since we had enough on our hands with the baby. Oh, and a little tip to other world travelers out there that have kids...don't bring a stroller to Europe.  We brought ours, thinking we would just push her around all day, and to our dismay found that the wheels of our stroller were too wide for the metro entrances, and the city is also not very handicap-friendly (think LOTS of steep stairs and escalators going in and out of the metro stations).  Thankfully, I brought a baby snowsuit and baby carrier, which were total life savers.

I guess this means we will have to do Kyle's "ultimate day" since we got to do mine.  I guess we will be planning a ski trip somewhere in the near future!  :)


  1. Sooooo jealous!!!! Nealy - you're looking great! Wish we could have joined you! Next time, right?!

  2. I'm jealous too! Looks like Clara did great!

  3. Beautiful! You, Clara, and Paris!

  4. I'm not sure how I missed this post but had I known, I would have told you not to bring your American stroller too-bummer! When we moved to Spain we brought our American stroller and all larger American strollers are too wide for the Metro gates. When I went back for my visa, I picked up a much smaller and simpler stroller that we used the rest of the time there. Much better. I've heard Paris is not a very stroller friendly city. Some of our friends live there and they used a Baby Bjorn when their girl was little. If you ever to to Madrid, their metro system is AWESOME with lots of elevators. But again . . you'll need an expensive European style stroller to get through the gate. :) Glad you got a fun trip!
