Dec 15, 2010

Christmas Shopping...

I decided this year I would not be running waddling around the mall a few days before Christmas for last-minute Christmas shopping.

Of course, we have a baby due December 26th so if I did wait until the last minute, it might not have gotten done.  

So I've been getting gifts here and there for the last few months, and it feels great to have everything ready and wrapped.  I don't think I've ever been done shopping this early before...but it sure is nice to be ready!  

Here a few random gift ideas if you're scrambling at the last minute, like I usually am...

Must Have Moxie's Bling Earrings (by Silverado)...I actually have these earrings and love them.  They're great because they go with anything, are small enough to wear with other jewelry, and are sterling silver/great quality.  They're more interesting than diamond studs and look great on just about anyone.  I love, love, these earrings!  If you want a pair for a Christmas gift, or just a pair for yourself, click here and you can get 20% off!  And while you're visiting, check out the beautiful beads and bracelets...

Restoration Hardware's Luxury Plush Throw...I was telling me sister in law a few weeks ago how much I love these blankets... they are the softest and warmest blankets you will ever use, ever.  And what do you know?  Out of nowhere she bought me one!  And I love it...I use it every single day at sometime or another.  They would make an awesome Christmas gift really can't go wrong.

Norwex's Antibac Cloth...aka, the miracle rag.  Have you heard of Norwex?  If you haven't, you're missing out! Norwex is a company that makes "green and chemical-free" cleaning products, and they sell these naturally anti-microbial clothes (think no cleaner, no bleach, no chemicals, no soap!).  I started using these clothes to wash my face at night, and they are amazing!  Just the rag itself cleans and takes off all of my make-up, naturally!  They are super soft and super absorbant, and I would definitely recommend them as a gift to someone who 1. likes to clean or 2. likes facial products.  You can buy these products from two friends of mine here or here... you won't be disappointed (and check out the mops while you're at it)!

If you have a munchkin on your list and want to get something super cute, check out these handmade yarn Blabla dolls.  Funny story...Kyle and I were browsing at a baby boutique in Minneapolis a few months ago and I was telling him that Target should do a version of a Blabla doll (he has recently become a buyer in the toy department).  Well, the sales associate overheard me and wasn't too fond of that idea (since Target has lately started selling many boutique items, which I think is awesome, but he evidently does not).  Callie does not have a Blabla doll, but I'm sure she would sure love one.  ;)

Okay, there are a few random gift ideas for you.  Now get shopping!  ;)


  1. Ditto! Also - I LOVE Blabla dolls. It would be so great if Target sold them - I love that they're opening up to boutique products! :) We've been thinkng of you guys - hope you're feeling good still!
