Dec 20, 2010

39 Weeks...

Yes, here I am...

...39 weeks...

...and counting...

...and waiting...

...and I don't think this picture does the size of my belly justice (I was in a hurry before I had to leave for MOPS of Friday, figuring out the self-timer mode on our point-and-shoot and I don't think I really look quite that happy to be pregnant either).  :)  Most of the time, that is.  

Yes the bags are packed, all three four of ours.  Kiley has been on alert-mode and is sleeping with her cell phone (thanks sis!) so she can help-out with Callie.  And I found a home from the hospital outfit just for her, complete with a little knit hat from here.  We'll be celebrating Christmas this year one of two home or the hospital.  

Was I this uncomfortable when I was at this point with Callie?  

We finally decided on a name last week if you can believe it!  I don't know why we had such a hard time with the decision, but we wanted to find something that we both agreed on and that just felt "right."  I went out and bought wall letters of her name last week too so I guess that means it's official.  :)  Our choice will be announced soon (hopefully soon, that is)! 

We would really appreciate your prayers at this point too.  For the delivery, the timing, health of the baby.  And for the big sister (aka our goofy girl)!


  1. We will look forward to news of a new cutie baby girl and safe delivery!

  2. you look amazing! i hope the delivery goes very well. prayers coming your way!

  3. You look adorable in this picture so very cute for 39 weeks. Good luck with the baby will be praying for you. I had a Christmas baby also the 22nd actually we got to come home on Christmas Eve.

  4. Lookin' good...let me know if you need help in the middle of the night, should I have my phone by my bed?

  5. You look beautiful! Excited to hear the news! Praying you have wonderful days being a family of 4!

  6. You look amazing! :) Sending out positive thoughts!

  7. Just wanted to comment on your fabulous blog! I'm a friend of Kiley's from church, and she was kind enough to send me this link, as well as the one to your photography blog--you're one talented girl, and I've loved perusing your projects and your photography. You've done a wonderful job in your kitchen, by the way. Kiley tells me everyone is on yellow alert for the arrival of your baby, so hopefully all goes well and you get to meet your new little one very soon. Merry Christmas, and thanks for the wonderful read!
