Aug 10, 2010

Pray for Savannah

As I mentioned earlier, please be praying for our friends Ben and Erica.  Their 6-month-old daughter, Savannah, will be undergoing open-heart surgery within the next few weeks to correct a heart murmur.  As a parent, this is such a scary thing to have your baby girl go though.  Ben and Erica are heavily relying on their faith in God and the power of prayer to get them through this difficult time.  Please pray with them and with us for peace and healing for Savannah and her family, and wisdom for the doctors.  You can read more about their story on their blog.    

For the mean time, I put together a little "button" for those of you that blog that would like to spread the word.  If you want to add this to your sidebar as a reminder to pray for her in the next few weeks, just copy the code into an "add html" gadget.  

"For the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."
James 5:16



  1. Nealy - this is such a great idea and this picture is so great! Wish I had a blog to post it on!


  2. What a great idea! Thanks for doing that so I can spread the word to my circle of influence.

  3. I agree, great idea! Is there a way I can link the button on my page to Erica's blog?
