Aug 9, 2010

Not Always The Way We Plan...

Well, I had big plans to tell you all about our ultrasound and to post pictures of our baby *girl* today, but I took the pictures with me to the lake this weekend, and unfortunately, I left them there.  So, I will have to share that in a few weeks.  I probably should apologize to the grandma's first and foremost, because I think they will probably be the most anxious to see them!  Our little girl #2 was super active, somewhat cooperative, and very cute of course (as cute as an ultrasound profile can be I suppose). 

Yes, we went to the lake this weekend again.  We did lots of things like eat, sleep, and play.  Some of the highlights were a family volleyball tournament (funny we actually have enough people for two teams!) and a rocks-paper-scissors tournament.  I guess you could say we appreciate a little competition!  :)  And we made a summer favorite, s'mores.

And chambord margaritas, just to tempt the pregnant lady.  ;)

We also tried to get some family pictures in this weekend, thanks to Lena for taking them for us.  However, they didn't go quite as planned.   Let's just say this little munchkin did not want to smile for the camera.

So we tried to bribe her with a sucker (good thing I just happened to have one in my purse!).  It held her still for a few minutes, but these are the best we could get. 

 And let's call this one my first official "baby bump" picture.  This baby must be suffering from "middle child syndrome" already, because a baby bump picture hasn't even crossed my mind so far!  :)

We got home Sunday night and I decided to make Callie "bumps on a log."  I caught myself making this while singing "the wheels on the bus go round and round" to her and I almost stopped and chuckled at how funny that was to me.  If that's not a total mom activity, I don't know what else is!  :)

We got a babysitter last week, and look what I came home to (minus the sucker; that was just the stick and she found it on the table):

They played dress-up!  How cute is that?!?! 

P.S. Can you please pray for our good friends Ben and Erica?  Their almost-6-month daughter Savannah has a heart condition and is going to need open-heart surgery within the next few weeks. Your prayers for them would be appreciated. 


  1. You guys are such a cute family and will be getting even cuter with girl #2! We are definitely praying for little Savannah!

  2. oh my goodness, Nealy I had so much fun watching Callie. She is such a cutie pie and i LOVE the flower and leg warmers :) We had to put them on!

    See you tomorrow...

