Aug 21, 2010

Make-Your-Own Instant Oatmeal

Oatmeal is such a comforting fall food, isn't it?  Now I realize it's only August, but around here we eat oatmeal year 'round.  Maybe that has something to do with it being easy, or healthy, or probably just because Callie licks her bowl clean.  

I used to buy the packaged instant oatmeal packets.  And then I realized how much sugar they have, not to mention they're really not that cheap.  And then I started making plain oats, which is much healthier and more cost effective, but it still needs a little something.  Then I was at a friend's house last year and someone had made them homemade instant oatmeal that we ate for breakfast.  What a great idea!  

So I set out to make a batch of homemade instant oatmeal.  There couldn't be an easier thing in the world to make - no baking required.  Just a bowl and a spoon (okay, maybe a few measuring cups too if you want to get all precise).  

Here's the kind we made this month.  And I've come up with a few other recipe ideas too (see below).  All you need?  Instant oats, spices, your choice of dried fruit, and maybe some nuts.  And don't forget a little salt because it really brings out the flavor.  I like to add flax seed and ground flax because it's healthy and you can hardly detect it's there.  :)  And because I love adding brown sugar on the top after it's cooked, I made this batch without sugar. But you definitely could add some if you like it sweet.

Here's everything measured and dumped into our container (my recipe below).

And then all mixed together!

To make a bowl, simply add 1 part oatmeal to 2 parts water; microwave for 1 minute 30 seconds. Another way you can make oatmeal for multiple people is to measure it out in a crockpot the night before, and set the crockpot to low all night.  And ta-da!  You have Good Morning Oatmeal!  :)  

Top with desired ingredients (milk and brown sugar are what we like).  Would this be cute all packaged up as a Christmas gift when everyone else is bringing cookies?

Basic Oatmeal Recipe
5 cups instant oats
1/3 t salt
3 t cinnamon
1/2 t nutmeg
5 T granulated sugar or brown sugar, optional

♥ Berry-Flax (add the follow to the Basic Oatmeal Recipe)
1 package mixed berries (or blueberries)
5 T flax seeds and/or ground flax 

♥ Christmas Morning Spice (add the follow to the Basic Oatmeal Recipe)
1 package dried or freeze-dried apples
1/2 c Craisins
1/2 c chopped pecans
extra 1 t cinnamon
1/4 t cloves

♥ Banana Nut (add the follow to the Basic Oatmeal Recipe)
1 package freeze-dried bananas
1/2 c chopped walnuts
extra 1 t cinnamon
top with sliced banana 

And again, what's a Bambina Babe post without a picture of Callie?

We're still on the hunt for baby names.  We're narrowing it down and have a list of about 3 names we like, but we're not sure if we've found "the one" yet or not. Hmmm... Such a big decision! With Callie it was easier because we both agreed right away and I guess you could say we knew it was right. But this time it's different.  I just don't want to have to bring our baby name books with me to the hospital!  ;)    

Oh, I'm making a little more progress on our house.  Now that I'm in that 2nd trimester and have a little more energy, I'm trying to nail down more house projects.  Like the girls' bathroom.  My mom came up and helped me make a shower curtain with this fabric by Amy Butler.

I actually got a little grommet kit and we put in our own grommets on the shower curtain!  It's pretty cool...I'll show you some pics of our little bathroom soon.  And I've still not decided about the big girl bed decision

On a more serious note, please continue praying for dear Savannah.  Her weight is continuing to drop and her open-heart surgery is scheduled for Thursday.  It will be a long week for her parents.  Your prayers are really appreciated.  


  1. Thanks, Nealy! This is a great idea!

  2. I found your blog through your blog beautifying tips and can't wait to read more! This is such a great idea and sounds so much better than the old strawberries and cream from the store with dehydrated crumbs of fruit. I can't wait to make a batch of this and will likely not wait until Fall!

  3. Great idea Nealy! So many pre-packaged foods really aren't that hard to make on our own!

  4. your comment awhile ago on my blog and have started following yours as well....was going to ask you what editting software you use for your pics...did you get the full photoshop? i have lightroom and really like it for what i do, but curious what you use!

    p.s. i would definitely do the big girl bed for callie....both of my older kids went to big beds right before 2 yrs old (for the same reason--another baby was coming) and they did great. plus i really didn't want to have 2 cribs!

  5. Nealy,

    Did you use a 1qt or 2 qt jar?

