Apr 18, 2010

Memory Lane & Cream Cheese Flan

It was a good weekend!  We had so much fun with our friends that came to stay with us.  We finally introduced our daugthers and they got along GREAT.  It was so fun to let them play together. 

We took the girls to the zoo.  I think their favorite part was the goldfish that were in the botanical gardens.  Callie kept trying to run away by herself to look at them, again and again.  She even wasn't afraid to stick her hand in the water and touch them.  Too bad she's not quite that brave on the swings yet!

Senna also loved the fish.  Isn't she the sweetest?  Her little bow was a gift from Callie (from Target).  She's going to be a big sister in July, so hanging out with Callie was maybe a little practice for her future!

We had lots of laughs, lots of food, and even more fun.  We took a walk down memory lane (okay lots of walks down memory lane).  And even took a walk back to the park!

Since I'm usually the one behind the camera, I think I can count on one hand the number of "mommy-daughter" pictures I have with Callie.  I'm going to try and make more of an effort to get more pictures with her, despite the fact that I always feel dumb asking people to take my picture.  

On to other news, we're almost totally done with {only} the second room in our house...Callie's room (here's the first room that's completely finished).  I wasn't lying when I said I'm working on at least three different projects at once...at a minimum!  I have just  a few more finishing touches on the bedroom, and then you can see it.  I just finished making some curtains for her room too....sewing has somehow become a new hobby, thanks to my friend Ranya {she's been like my mentor mom in all things domestic}.  I've been trying to convince her to start a(nother) blog to showcase all of her amazing talent, but unfortunately I don't think it's going to happen. So I will just have to share with you all of the things she's taught me!  :)

Okay, I've got to go finish painting the last coat of paint on our last pieces of trim in our house...I think we may have to celebrate when we are finished!  Please take my advice  and DO NOT attempt to paint all of the trim in a 5-br house.  If you want to stay sane, that is.  And some days I'm not so sure that I am!  ;)  Callie's currently eating the green crayon I gave her to color.  And the paper is on the floor.  And her highchair tray is green. 

As promised, here is my Puerto Rican friend's recipe for flan.  It did not disappoint!

First you throw four eggs in the blender and blend. 

Then you add the cream cheese, evaporated milk, sweetened condensed milk, and 1/2 cup of sugar.  Once these things are blended, you set aside and make the caramel sauce.  This is where you combine sugar and water and cook.

The picture above is what it's supposed to look like.  The first time I did it, I think I cooked it too long because the sugar started to crystallize again.  So I had to start over, and got it the second time.  Good thing sugar is cheap!

After making the caramel sauce, pour in the bottom of a Pyrex pan or two to coat.

Then, just pour the blender mixture in the pan and bake!  Lots of creamy, sweet goodness.  If you like cheesecake, you will LOVE this dessert.

Cream Cheese Flan

4 eggs
1 8oz cream cheese (whipped)
1 can evaporated milk
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1/2 c sugar

1 c sugar
1/2 c water

(This recipe makes one standard size pie pan plus enough for a smaller one, or one 13x13 glass pan) Preheat oven to 350.  Blend eggs in blender, then add next four ingredients.  

In saucepan, mix 1 c sugar and 1/2 c water thoroughly, then heat to medium-high. Boil 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.  When mixture turns slightly golden, remove from heat and add to coat pyrex pan.  Next, pour egg/cream cheese mixture to pan.  

To bake, set pan in a larger pan with about 1 inch of water.  Bake until knife comes clean, around one hour. 


  1. a friend of mine did this challenge http://wyomingbarnetts.blogspot.com/2009/01/1-of-52.html

    It really helped her get in some pictures with her kids.

  2. Drew is sitting next to me and his comment is "Jealous."

    We miss you guys! So happy for you all to have a fun walk down memory lane.

    When is everyone descending upon Houston?!
