Nov 24, 2009

Stocking Stuffers, Teethers & A New Series?

Hello blog world! We're back. Did you miss us???

How could you not miss seeing this cute face?

November 014r

My perfect little angel did not pull out all of the diaper wipes and scatter them all over the floor.

And her onesie definitely is not hanging out of her clothes.

Of course she doesn't have a bump on her forehead (from falling on a toy).

I bet her diaper doesn't need to be changed, either!

Not my perfect little doll!

In case you haven't heard what Callie's first word was, the following picture might give you a better idea. She says the word whenever she sees this:

"Hot." Not mom, not dad, but "hot." It's so cute. She says it all the time, in context! The first time she said it was with my mom... I was a little sad that I wasn't around to hear her first word, but am more happy that her grandma got to share that moment with her. I wonder if there's any connection that her first word has to do with coffee, when both of her grandmas are usually spotted with one of these cups! Of course she loves Starbucks, already!

Here are the following contexts when she's said her first word.
  • She says "hot" when you hold up a coffee mug or Starbucks cup (and always wants to touch that bad that we taught her to touch things that are "hot?"
  • In the bath, when the water was warm, she says "hot."
  • When you get something out of the microwave, she says "hot."
  • I accidentally fed her some babyfood that was still hot, and she let me know it.
  • At Ikea the other day, we walked by a huge display of coffee mugs, and she said "hot."
So smart, just like her dad! :)

Among other news, she's found her favorite teether. I spent $20 on one of these because I heard about how great they were, and she prefers to chew on this. It's in her hand, and she likes to carry it around the house. (By the way, Beth, I know I still owe a bottle from when I borrowed yours. So sorry.)

November 066r

We recently celebrated Uncle Matt's birthday. Count the candles to see how old he is! Happy Birthday, Matt!

November 061r

I had originally planned to blog about this great idea I had. I made a "baby-friendly" coffee table centerpiece. What you may (or may not) see is that this is actually a plastic bowl, with plastic apples.

November 019r

I thought it was a great idea, until I realized that I was picking this up a million times a day.

November 050r

One of my new favorite things is the Sharpie retractable pen. I love, love, love the way it writes, you have to try this. A great idea for a stocking stuffer!

Oh, if you haven't heard, Kiley and Matt found out what they are having (boy or girl)! I won't give it away on my blog, but be sure to ask them! Callie is soooo excited to have her first cousin. We are going to help paint her nursery this weekend!

One thing I've been considering is doing a series on blog design. I don't claim to be a web designer or anything fancy, but have somehow picked a few things up here and there about blog design. Is this something any of you would be interested in?!?!?


  1. Um, HER nursery?!! How fun!

    Yes, blog design.

    Cute apple decoration.

    It's always the non-toys that are the best.

    Glad you're back!

  2. I would love to see more blog designs and would be extremely interested.

    HER nursery indeed...a giveaway?

  3. Yep - would love to see that series. I looked at the site you got your template from, but couldn't get it to work. :)

    P.s. we don't really need the tylenol, I'm sure we'll get some help from you sometime in the future :)

  4. Ardyce gave us one of those Sophie Giraffes in April...Adelyn has touched it maybe 4 times since then! I guess their good if the kids use them....she preferred my cell phone instead ;)
    You should totally do something on blog designing...I'm always curious how people come up with so many ideas (I am NOT that creative).
    ps....we want pictures of the new house!

  5. TJ loves Sophie! I've blogged about her several times and she frequently appears in pictures with him. He says he's going to marry her some day. :-)

  6. Abbie also loved the Tylenol lid to chew on when teething. It usually is the cheapest, most simple things that kids find the most pleasure in.
