Nov 20, 2011

Giving Thanks, Chalkboard Paint, Laundry Rooms, & Thrift Stores

 Hi friends!

Here we are, middle of November, can you believe it? Thanksgiving is just a few days away, we are so excited to spend time with family, eat lots of turkey, and take some naps! Things should calm down a little bit for us this winter, so I am hoping to be able to spend a little more time on the blog. I have a bunch of random things around the house I've been meaning to share, so here are some of our mini projects galore...

Kiley and I got together for a little craft day and made some "Give Thanks" bunting banners for our mantels. I was inspired by a pin I found on Pinterest. They were actually super easy - we just cut our own pattern on a piece of paper, then traced and cut some burlap.

Then we painting our letters - we both chose "Give Thanks," but also considered the words "Thankful" and "Gather." Then we just hot-glued the burplap triangles to a piece of twin. How easy was that? 

Kiley sent me a pic of her mantle to share with y'all. 

You may have noticed the little basket of books by our fireplace. 

We only have a few Thanksgiving books, but pretty soon we will replace them with Christmas books! 

Oh and one of my latest thrift store finds... I found a pair of them and couldn't wait to add them to my bare mantle. For $2.99 a piece, they are perfect.

Another thrift store find...the lamp (below). Please don't mind the dust. :)

Clara will be turning one in a month - I really can't believe it! I need to get on the ball with birthday party details. We will be dealing with a Christmas (December 28th) birthday with our little Clara Lu. That certainly doesn't make things easy. 

Okay, if you're still reading, here is another little recent project I've been meaning to share for months. We chalkboard-painted our laundry room door. It was a metal door, so we also added some magnets here and there for Callie's art projects. I don't love the clutter of art projects in the kitchen, so this is the perfect spot for it all.

Does anyone else have a laundry room as messy as I do? 

Maybe someday it will look like this..., kind of what I was going for with the pale green-blue cabinets...

In other recent news, we had our first (real) snow last night! And we repainted our front door. Bermudan Blue by Behr Ultra (my FAVORITE paint - often just needs one coat!).  Somebody needs to tell that lady her wreath is off-center. :)

Phew! Are you still with me? If so, leave me a comment so I can feel like I didn't waste the past two hours on a blog post. :) Thanks for reading!

And have a wonderful Thanksgiving, everyone!


  1. love the boots! and chalkboard's fun wherever you use it. also...cute thrifting finds!

  2. What a crafty idea for the banner!! and I must say my laundry room is just as cluttered:)

  3. I love the verse you put on the door...great reminder! Very cute stuff Nealy!

  4. I was with you all the way. Love hearing about your life, and always love hearing about your new projects!

  5. You have SUCH a cute house.....someday I'll have the time to do that too hehe. (jana)

  6. That's why any good laundry room has a door. It will rarely stay as clean as you desire it to be, but that also means your life is full of blessings.

  7. My laundry dungeon is a disaster. And yes, I call it a dungeon. Love your blue front door!

  8. So fun to see all your "little" projects...they may be little to you, but are things that take us forever to accomplish at our house :-)


  9. It's about time for a new blog post : )

  10. Nealy! Your girls are adorable! Love that verse also:)
    I recently just bought hunters....with the idea from you;) love them so far!

  11. as always... love me some blogging "love" from Nealy!

  12. Hi Nealy,
    the bunting and the pictures are great. I posted your feature if you want to stop by and check it out

  13. nealy, looks fantastic, as always! love the boots, they're my favorite new shoes :) thanks for sharing the great photos & fun stuff around your house!

  14. I love your blog! :) I became a follower! :) Erin

  15. So cute.. I really love reading your blog!! count me in as one of your followers

  16. you inspire me!! I love the front door...
