Aug 31, 2011

We're Still Here!

I promise you, we're still alive and well! We are having a crazy, busy, fun summer, and even have the scars to show for it. :) We went on vacation. It was fun. I spent many hours here...

And read some awesome books on parenting. One of them was this book:

It was surprisingly relevant and really refreshing. Actually, I couldn't put it down, so that must mean it was a really good book {because I usually only do that with really good fiction books!}. A couple of thoughts from the book (italics mine)...

"Children are a gift from God, and we are stewards of their welfare. Training up our daughters in this sense implies helping them to navigate the cultural minefields that lie in their paths - teaching them eternal values, talents, and perspectives. It means instilling within them an appreciation for truthfulness, trustworthiness, self-discipline, self-control, generosity, and sweetness of spirit. It means teaching them modesty, morality, and manners. It means helping them overcome the natural inclination toward selfishness, aggressiveness, violence, and slovenliness. It means teaching them to work and learn and think. That is just the beginning, which is why parenthood is such a daunting responsibility, requiring careful forethought and planning." pg 3.

"Mom, it's your job to bring out the best in your little girl's nature. She needs your affirmation and encouragement...To both mothers and fathers, let me share a suggestion that you may not want to hear: good parenting almost always requires sacrifice. Childhood lasts for only a brief moment, but it should be given priority while it is passing before your eyes. Watch your kids carefully. Think about what they are feeling, and consider the influences they are under. Then do what is best for them." pg 21.

There are quite a few more things I would like to share with you from the book, but I don't have time today.  If you have girls, I would definitely recommend it. Both for moms and dads.

As I'm writing this, I'm realizing that Callie is currently napping IN OUR BED, with a PACIFIER, and a feel free to judge how well we're doing on parenting. :) She's semi-potty-trained. What I mean by this is she was for about two days, and then decided she didn't like it anymore. What's a mom to do? Seriously?

Sundresses for Haiti. Do you like to sew? I wish I did. However, I have a friend who is helping out with this great cause, and I think it is so cool. You sew and donate sundresses for an orphanage in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. You can read more about it here on Beth's blog. If you don't sew like me, you can donate underwear or sunglasses. Since we're in that potty training phase, I might have to get some extra pairs at Gymboree (they have the cutest girls' underwear).


  1. Do you want my advice? Don't go back to a diaper besides nap and bedtimes. And save the cute underwear for when she's willing to potty in the potty. And feel free to throw underwear away. That's just my two cents!

  2. I love the first picture of cute, and Clara's little teeth are adorable! I miss these girls, so glad I get to see them Thursday! ♥

  3. Addy is toilet trained for daytime and nap time....but still needs a pull up at bedtime.....whatever works! :)

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