Apr 27, 2011

Nealy's Noteworth | Pinterest

You didn't think I would be back so soon!  Welcome to Nealy's Noteworthy's first post!  I want to share with you Pinterest.  Are you familiar with this?  It's a virtual pinboard where you can create collections of things you love and follow others who do the same.  It's also a great way to "store" al of the great ideas and images that you find online.  Here are some pins (so far).

I love, love this master bathroom and have been looking for a chandelier to go above our bath.

What a great idea...want to do this to our garage/laundry room door!

How cute!

Source: tumblr.com via Nealy on Pinterest

Valentines...maybe next year we will make these.

Love this color scheme.

I think you get the idea. It's lots of fun. Click here to find me!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOVE the new series... you always have such great noteworthy things to say! Looking forward to more posts.

  3. I've been using Pinterest for a few months now, but still forget about it! There have been so many times I want to bookmark a recipe, idea, etc and completely forget to just click my "Pin It" button. :) Working on remembering this very useful tool...
