Dec 6, 2010

Six Websites...

There are a few websites that I frequently use that have made my life much easier.  I thought I would share them with you!

1.  Google Reader.  Do you spend too much time reading and checking blogs?  Then this site is for you. If you aren't familiar with Google Reader, you just add subscriptions of blogs that you would like to read, and then you check it like you would check your email, all on one page.  Of course, you don't always get to see everyone's beautiful blog designs because you don't go to their blog to read the latest post, but it does cut down on time.  

2.  Retail Me Not.  I love this website!  When shopping online {which I've been doing more of recently}, make sure to check this site for coupon codes that may give you a discount off your purchase or free shipping.  Unfortunately, many stores are now not allowing people to share their coupon codes, but for the ones that do, this is fabulous!

3.  Mint.  This is the easiest way we have found to help keep track of a budget {or as my husband says in my terms, "spending plan"}.  ;)  It automatically categorizes everything, which saves tons of time. I love this site and would definitely recommend it if you're looking for an easy way to keep track and set a budget.

4.  Food Tidings.  A friend told me about this website, and it is such a great invention!  Our small groups and friends have often brought meals to each other after someone has a baby or goes through a major life event, and this makes coordinating so much easier!  Once you use it, you'll never go back to emailing everyone, replying to all, and getting confused.  It's super simple.  

5.  Tastespotting. This is no secret, but I love finding recipes on this website because you can see what the final product will look like before choosing a recipe.  And an added bonus, most {if not all} of the recipes are from blogs, which have always turned out fabulous for me {I figure people wouldn't put recipes on their blogs if they don't really like them}.  

6.  Google Docs.  I've used this site a lot for the times when I've needed to make online forms or coordinate group responses.  Super easy, great for business, and a simple way to collect information!

Now it's your turn...what websites do you love that make your life easier?  Please share!  I would love to hear!


  1. my guess is you know all of my favorites - but Bakerella, Becoming Mom, Simple Mom, Family Matters and Young House Love (just to name a few)
