Oct 28, 2010

Pumpkin Butter

Just in case you are in the mood for celebrating fall, or for cooking, or just for making your house smelly yummy, I have the yummiest pumpkin recipe for you...and it's safe to say that I will be making this every year!

Just combine the pumpkin and water and bring to a boil; add remaining ingredients and simmer 1-2 hours on stovetop -or- place in slow cooker for 6-12 hours.  The first time I made this, I did it the long way over the stove...next time I think the slow cooker will be much easier!

Tastes like pumpkin pie...except you can eat it for breakfast!  :)  I found the full recipe here but made a few slight changes. Put it in little jars and give to the neighbors!  

Sorry this is such a short post! To see recent pics of my little munchkin, click here!


  1. That sounds delicious. But really, I must know where the hat came from that your little one is wearing on the other site!!

    Too cute.
