Sep 19, 2010

Signs of Fall

There are lots of signs of fall around our house lately!  I don't know if it's memories of the first few weeks of school, football games, or camping trips, but just the feeling of fall makes me happy.  We made a big pot of chili this weekend and cornbread muffins.

I think chili is one of those foods that is probably a little different everywhere you get it.  In fact, rarely does my chili turn out the same twice!  This time I really liked the recipe, so I'm going to write it at the bottom of this post exactly what I did -- mostly for my memory so I can make it again, but if you're up for trying out a new chili recipe you might like it too!  Callie liked it...

Can you believe it's already mid-September?  Time is just flying be, we must be having fun (or are super busy and have been working hard)!  This weekend we've also been remodeling/renovating/updating our master bathroom.  Good-bye, taupe's about time we got rid of you!  ;)  I had such a hard time deciding on paint color, that's probably the reason we are just getting around to painting it now.  I went with this color by Martha Stewart.  I also got these oval-tilt mirrors with glass shelves to go under each one.  Hopefully it will all go together!

Here's my chili recipe - let me know what you think if you make it!

Nealy's Fall Chili

3 lbs ground beef (I used 93% lean)
3/4 yellow onion, finely chopped
3/4 green pepper, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 lg can whole tomatoes
1 lg can diced tomatoes
2 cans Hunt's tomato sauce
1 can dark red kidney beans
2 lag cans Bush's medium chili beans
1 T cumin
4 T chili powder
2 T sugar
salt and pepper

Cook onion and pepper until soft; add garlic and beef, and cook until done.  Drain beef then add remaining ingredients and simmer 30 minutes.  Enjoy!!!

1 comment:

  1. What cornbread recipe did you use? I made a great one once and lost the recipe and haven't made it as good since!
