Aug 26, 2010

Thanks for the Mention...

One easy way to see who has made a link to your blog is on the website  You simply type in your link, like, and click "search."  You will come up with a list of websites and blogs that have linked to your blog.  It's interesting to see who has mentioned you to their friends! :)  I'm sure there are many better ways of doing this, but seems to work okay (let me know if you know of a better way that's not too complicated)!

This is going somewhere.  I thought I would do a little "thanks for the mention" post.  I spend a lot of time writing and blogging, so it's a great compliment and is nice to know someone out there is reading what I write and would recommend my blog to their readers as well.  I thought this would be a fun way to say thank you, plus you can see all the beautiful headers of many of the blogs that I read.  So, thanks to the following...

I apologize if I missed you...let me know and I will add you next time!  :)  

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