Jul 26, 2010

Uncrustables {make your own}

We ate dinner at Ikea a few weeks ago, and Callie experienced her first uncrustableI should mention that it was so good that Kyle and I ate most of it.  :)  And since Callie doesn't eat the crust most of the time anyway, I figured I could make our own uncrustables at home!

Two pieces of bread...

And peanut butter.  Within the last year, we've switch most of our peanut obutter to the no-sugar-added, natural kind.  It doesn't taste nearly as good as the classic Skippy or Jiff, or have the same creamy texture, but I know it has no added oil or sugar and is much healthier.  Especially for little girls.

{However, I discovered a little trick if you want to add a little bit of sweetness and softness to the natural kind. When you first open your jar of peanutbutter and need to stir in the oil, add in about 1/3 cup of honey and stir.  This makes the peanut butter sweeter, easier to spread, and not quite as cement-like.  Try it!}

So back to the uncrustables.  Make a peanut butter sandwich like you normally would (jelly is optional). 

Then take a glass about the width of the bread and press. 

And presto!

You have a happy child.


1 comment:

  1. just a thought, don't they recommend they honey not be fed to infants due to the potential that their undeveloped stomachs can't handle the spores in honey?
