Jul 22, 2010

Thirty, Flirty, & Fabulous*

*I'm really not all that flirty, and maybe not all that fabulous most of the time either, but now I can definitely say I'm 30...have you seen this movie?)

Somehow I had one of the most fun birthdays ever this week!  A good friend took the reins and planned a lunch w/ some of my besties at Yum! Kitchen in Minneapolis.  She even brought a babysitter for the two of us to share, which was a great present in itself!  It's fun to have some fun plans on your birthday... and it was even better that I didn't have to plan any of it!  Thanks so much, B.  And thanks, girls, for coming!

We had some great food, the best cupcakes, and and some fun, kid-free girl-time!

A friend brought these beautiful sunflowers.  I love sunflowers and wish I could have a vase of them in my kitchen all year long.

Then before I knew it I was off to a date night with my husband at Bar La Grassa in Minneapolis to celebrate just the two of us.  It's a tapas-style Italian restaurant, and we had some of the best food I've had in quite some time.  If you go there, try the lobster and soft egg brushetta (sounds strange but it was so good) and ricotta pizette... everything we had was so good. We had a great time talking about our life, our careers, kids, everything.

Dinner was complete with one of my favorite drinks, San Pelligrino Limonata.

I got some great gifts and cards that day. :)

All in all, it was a wonderful birthday, and I feel so blessed to have such wonderful friends and family.  I think days like this make me realize just how many important people I have in my life.  In my thirties I want to focus on family and I want to surround myself with fun people that I love to be around. And I want to keep having fun! 

Thanks, everyone, for a wonderful 30th birthday! 

P.S. I forgot to mention...the night of my birthday, Kyle felt the baby kick for the first time, three times!  I've been feeling it since the 4th of July, but to have him feel it too was such a great "present!"  


  1. Glad you had a great and relaxing day. Hope this weekend continues to be full of fun, great memories and celebration. Happy 30th Nealy.

  2. awww... wish I could have been at YUM with you and your girl friends! Maybe next year???!!! :)

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a great day!
