Jul 12, 2010

{So Many Things}

We've been quite busy lately, so I apologize that this blog has not been up to "normal."  Hopefully we can get back in the swing of things soon.  What have we been up to lately?  Lots of things, like...

1.  House projects.  This weekend, we decided to put in a butcher-block counter on our kitchen island.  I was so excited.  I love house projects!  And I love the look - it adds another texture and dimension to the room (thanks to our friends for the advice and inspiration).  And how nice that my cutting board will always be handy!  Now we're just trying to figure out what size to cut it (or leave it).

2.  Light fixtures.  I love, love, love house projects.  Did I already mention that? Doing something fun to our house is probably on my list of top ten fun activities.  :)  However, why is it that house projects ALWAYS seem to take WAY longer than they're supposed to?  We put up this light (and you can see a view of our messy house) over our kitchen table.  We also put some recessed lights in our kitchen.  W.O.W.  That was much more work than we thought it would be.  There just happened to be a pipe above each spot that we planned to put in the light, so we had to move it, change the wires, patch the hole...you get the picture.

3.  Couponing.  {I think this is a new verb, along with "googling," "mapquesting," and "facebooking"}  I've had some friends that have done the extreme couponing for quite some time.  I'm always amazed by their deals, like cream cheese for 3 cents or something crazy like that.  And my sister recently started doing it, and she's so sweet to give me her extra BBQ sauces and toiletries that she gets for about 20 cents.  So I decided that I should try it again  The verdict?  It's actually pretty fun!  I love getting bargains, and it's fun to think you only paid ____ for something that you normally would pay much more for.  I've only just received my second copy of the Sunday paper this weekend, so I'm new.  But I had fun last week!  My favorite resource so far has been Pocket Your Dollars, and I like her Target shopping list (because I usually shop at Super Target). Oh and last week I stocked up about 8 pounds of chicken breast and paid only $15 for it (about $2 a pound)!  And this week, look what I found at Target...

Starbucks coffee was on sale for $6.99.  And if you bought three, they would give you a $5 Target giftcard.  So I think I ended up paying approximately...$5.32 per bag {which doesn't include our team member discount, so then it would be closer to $4.79 each}!

Speaking of my sister... she needs a little blogger-encouragement.  She's thinking of giving up on her blog...and I love her blog, don't you?  Always cute pictures of baby Avery and fun stories too.  So if you want to leave her a little comment to give her some encouragement, please do!  Tell her what you like about her blog or what you want to hear more of.  Her blog is here.

Random thought, by upon sifting through the paper finding coupons, I read part of an article that was an interview with Angelina Jolie (Parada Magazine).  She had a quote that gave me something to think about.  She said, "I always wanted a great love affair, something that feels big and full, really honest and enough.  No moment should feel slight, false, or a little off.  For me, it had to be everything...It is hard to find all that in a relationship, but it is what we are all looking for, isn't it?  Something authenic."  

I definitely agree with her that that is what we're all looking for.  Something authentic.  Something that takes over our lives, that we can't live without.  But unfortunately, and I think most people would agree with me, that kind of relationship just can't be found in another human.  Why not?  Well first, no one's perfect.  No one's love is perfect.  And also, no one's love is enough. As much as I love my husband and he loves me, and as compatible as we are together, we'll never be completely enough for each other. Then there's a little thing called infatuation, which may feel like the kind of love she's taking about, and it is a wonderful thing, but that feeling doesn't last (which is probably a good thing, or else no one would eat, or sleep, or be able to concentrate on anything else again).

You may know where this is going, but truly, God's love is the only love affair that is enough.  Want to read more on this subject?  I would recommend this book - a great reminder of God's love for us.  :)

4.  Photography.  My new photography venture has been keeping me busy, and I am absolutely loving it!  I'll share more thoughts about this at another time, but here's one of my most recent shots...

5.   Reading Books, Playing Outside, and Singing The ABC's.  It has been hot lately, but we've managed to get in a few trips to the park (and the backyard).  And reading lots of books...and yes, she sings her ABC's.  All the time.  It's really cute; she even gets all the notes right!

6.  Scheduling our Ultrasound.  I am SO excited to find out what we are having!!!  Girl?  Boy?  Girl?  Boy?  I simply cannot wait.  We're scheduling it for the first week in August. And it can't come soon enough!

7. Planning a Party.  I have a little milestone birthday coming up soon, and my husband has been sweet enough to plan a party for me.  No, it's not a surprise...I'm too smart and observant for that!  ;)  But I am excitied about getting our friends and family together...I never miss and excuse to party!  And a friend is planning a little ladies' lunch too on my actual b-day...it's nice to have friends and family around who like to help do the planning {because planning your own b-day is no good}!

{Banner by Banter Banner}

Here's a question for you all....what did YOU do for your 30th birthday (that is, if you've had it yet or if you can remember)???  I want to know!  :)

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

Eph 3:17-18


  1. Nealy, I love reading your blog. I discovered it through a friend's blog...Nikki's Nacs.

    Your thoughts, your house projects, your talent...they are all just amazing to me. I loved your remarks about the Angelina Jolie article. You are exaclty right that God's love alone is all that will ever fulfill us completely!

    Keep up the blogging!!

    ~Stacy - Orlando, FL

  2. Oh my - I hope my 30th is at Pazzaluna in St. Paul with LOTS of friends and good food and wine. Maybe I should start dropping hints to Dan now?

    Can't wait for you lunch and your party! :)

  3. My husband and I went to Orlando for the weekend of my 30th birthday. It was nice to get away just the 2 of us. A little shopping, good food, relaxing. It was nice.

  4. Hello there! I just love you blog. I finally figured out how to officially follow. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas- cheers to good women!

  5. Mike invited my mom & dad, sister & brother-in-law, and my best friend & her hubby and we all went out for my birthday dinner - followed by DQ ice cream cake at our house. :) I was getting close to my due date with Tea - so it was an especially special birthday. Now I'm wondering if baby #2 is going to share a birthday with me...

  6. Tell your sister I'll follow her blog! I just checked it out and our girls were born on the same day. I love reading/seeing other people at the same point as me.

  7. Hey Nealy. I really loved this post. For a number of reasons on your numbers:
    I'm going to start couponging, so many people lately have been telling me about it.
    I'll make sure I give Kiley a shout out, I love it when she blogs and wish she did it more often.
    As for your random thought.... PREACH IT GIRL!!! You're absolutely right about God's love :)
    And I really, really loved your ending verse. Have a great weeks!
