Jul 29, 2010

One Week From Today... {your comments wanted: BOY or GIRL?!?!?}

One week from today, we find out if Callie will be having a little brother or a little sister!

Will it be trucks, or dolls?

We want to know what you think!

So leave a comment and let us know your guess.

Last time we did a poll, and you said girl.  You were right!

Ready, set, go....leave your comments please!


And the answer will be shared on week from today!


  1. Precious pictures ~ love her boots!
    I think you'll have another girl!
    But, I am sure either way, the new baby will be loved just like Callie! Congrats!

  2. Adorable boots!!
    I'm going to guess BOY...mainly because I have some boy clothes that Debbie got Erica and I in France that I've been saving for one of you guys! :)

  3. I'm gonna say GIRL....we'll see! Can't wait to hear about the news

  4. I'm also going to say girl...don't know why, just am.

  5. GIRL! Well I acually have no idea but I think Callie neeeds a lil sis. If it is a boy, that would be jusy fine tho!

  6. did I already comment? I can't remember.
    I say BOY. but really I have no idea :)
    FYI...I'm going through cute girl stuff withdrawal right now :)

  7. Since I can't go by belly shots or how your pregnancy is going, some part of me is just thinking, "girl". Maybe it's all those girls on both sides of your families, I don't know, but either way it's exciting and a blessing.

  8. I love those boots!

    I'm gonna say boy this time. I don't know why.

  9. I can't believe you are already to that point! I am thinking BOY!

  10. BOY!
    Cal, I miss you! Come visit me sometime soon. :)
