May 9, 2010

♥ Mamas & Panini ♥

I hope all of the mothers out there have gotten to sleep in and were served breakfast in bed this morning.    And hopefully your day is looking like this...

And maybe not so much like this...

This is my second Mother's Day as a mommy, and I'm reflecting on just how wonderful being a mother is.  Although I will never fully grasp just how much God loves us, I feel that being a mother has helped me understand that so much more.

Isn't it just amazing how much we can love these little stinkers (and big stinkers)?

Speaking of stinkers...the other day I smelled something and knew Callie needed her diaper changed. So  I said to her, "let's go change your butt."  She turned to me, pulled up her shirt, and touched her belly button.  She did it twice.  I thought, that was kinda funny, where did that come from?  However, Kyle noticed that the word bellyBUTTon has the word BUTT in it. How funny.  That makes me wonder...when do I need to start saying "bottom" instead of "butt?"  :)

The other morning we were singing "Five silly monkeys jumping on the bed..." and I got to the part "mama called the doctor and the doctor said..." Then I stopped and asked, "What does the doctor say?" and she goes, "ah-ah!"...which is the same thing she says when we ask her what a pupppy says.  I guess we need to teach her the difference between doctors and puppies!

This Mother's Day I am also blessed to have not just one, but two wonderful mothers.  My mom is so great and I am realizing more and more than we are so much alike.  I'm also blessed to have such a great mother-in-law as well.  She did an excellent job raising my husband, and I hope to practice many of the same things with my kids.  Between these two fabulous mothers, I think I have quite a role model to look up to in terms of mothering.

Enough of the sappy stuff, let's talk about food.  Do you have a panini press?  Neither do I.  But that hasn't stopped me from making it.  This is what I like to call, "Poor Man's Panini."

You make it with your...George Foreman.  And who doesn't have one of those lying around?  We started ours with a little herbed goat cheese, because it makes anything better.

I love panini because you can be creative and fill it with anything.  Some favorites?  Tomato, basil, and mozzarella.  Or yesterday we had turkey, salami, herbed goat cheese, mozzerella, and basil.  Adding some leftover spinach-artichoke dip would also make a regular turkey sandwich super yummy.

Try buying the good quality salami at the deli counter.  This was some sort of dry salami - a little spicy and really good.  A little goes a long way.

I just plugged in the George Foreman Panini Press, sprayed it with a little olive oil, and pressed.

And kept it on until it looked like this.


♥ Happy Mother's Day! ♥

"And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."

Ephesians 3:18-19


  1. Happy Mother's Day! I hope you are having a great one. I love those big blue pretty. Those paninis look wonderful. We have a George Foreman and I never use it. This looks like a perfect reason to get it out!

  2. Happy Mothers Day to you!!!! Callie is so beautiful. I can't wait till we (one day) live closer so I see little Callie more often and eat your yummy panini's... ummmmmm....

  3. What a great idea to use the George Forman as a Panini press! Now I can try to be even more like Giada! I certainly have a Forman laying around (we use it mostly in the winter when we want to have 'grilled' food. I really want to make Giada's Nutella, strawberry and pound cake paninis!

  4. Hey Nealy! I have a trying to get my own blog going and I can't figure out how you made "your pages" at the top horizontal instead of vertical...i've looked everywhere! Please help...:]
    Hope your mothers day was amazing!!

    Kiley G.
