Mar 10, 2010

Four Babysitters

Yesterday was a busy day!  Callie had not just one, but four different babysitters!  All in one day!

First babysitter was at the gym.  We joined a few months ago, and it's been soooo nice to be able to drop her off in the childcare center so I can get some exercise.  Before we joined, it was hard to be motivated to work out during her nap time, because that is precious mommy time!  But now going to the gym in the mornings is part of our routine, and we just love it. 

Second babysitter was a friend who watched her for a few hours.  We arranged a "baby swap" this week, where she watches Callie one day and I watch her daughter another day.  It seems like a win-win situation for everyone, because the girls like to play together (her daughter is 2), we live only a few blocks away so it isn't very far to drive, and then we both get a little time to ourselves (which is hard to come by these days)!   And that time was super nice.  However, I couldn't decide what to do for those three hours!  I wanted to make the most of it and do something I normally couldn't do with a baby.  So, I got a mini pedicure (technically a "polish change," it's only $10 and your toes still look just as pretty). Then I went to lunch with some girlfriends. The time went fast, but it sure was nice!

Third was Sydney who watches Callie while I work in the afternoon (she's such a life saver)!  She's so sweet- she started a blog about her adventures in babysitting.  Sydney has been such a blessing to us, and to many families. Did I mention that Callie just loves her?!  I recently started tutoring Sydney too.  If you know her, you'll have to ask her about her latest math test!  :)

And the fourth babysitter of the day, my darling sister Kiley and her husband Matt watched her while we had dinner with the elders and wives at Granite City.   We had some great fellowship and good conversation.

Thanks so much, Ki and Matt!  You guys are the best!  We feel so fortunate to have family in the area now.  After much encouragement from us (and a job offer for Matthew), they moved here last summer, all the way from Chicago!   Kiley has a new blog, by the way...check it out!  I can't believe she's due in less than 4 weeks!!!


  1. Nealy, that is so nice! I love her! Shes so sweet and she just woke up so i thought she would be craby but she was just a doll! I enjoy watching her every week!! That A- on the test felt great! Thanks lot! Your a life saver!

  2. Oh! Haha I thought you were talking about me at first and I was thinkin-I don't remeber watching Callie out of small group :) if Sydneys ever busy, I'll forsure take over!
    ~Kiley :)
