Jan 21, 2010

Six Years (and seven days)

Has it really been that long? Time sure does fly by when you're having fun! A few of our highlights from over the years:

2003 ~ engaged - on top of le tour eiffel, planned a wedding, graduated from college

2004 ~ tied the knot, honeymooned in acapulco, moved up north, started real jobs

2005 ~ bought a house, met some great friends, lived in the philippines, went snorkeling, started business school

2006 ~ booked a spontaneous trip to the British Isles, started a business

2007 ~ went on our dream trip to the Greek Isles, finally finished b-school, went to some fun concerts :)

2008 ~ Baby on the way (picture taken the night before Callie was born...that was exactly one year ago TODAY)

2009 ~ the birth of our wonderful baby girl and joy of our life, Callie Christine (picture generously taken by bri)

2010 ~ Hopefully many more memories to make!

Happy Anniversary, Baby! You're the best husband, best friend, and travel partner that I could ask for. God has truly blessed me. I love you!

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