Dec 31, 2009

Family Traditions & Swedish Pancakes

This Christmas was the year I decided we needed to start some sort of family tradition. We kept it simple. Here's a glimpse into our night.

Swedish pancakes with lingonberries and Swedish meatballs for dinner. Kyle (and therefore Callie***) is Swedish so I thought that was appropriate. Family recipe at the end of this post.

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Callie enjoyed a Swedish pancake, and meatballs! In her Christmas pajamas, I might add.

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So did Kyle. He especially liked the meatballs. And the Swedish sparkling pear juice. Thank goodness Ikea is only 10 minutes away for one-stop shopping!

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Next, we read the Christmas story together.

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And then...presents! You all know what I got for Christmas (actually, it was our gift to each other). Callie got lots of fun stuff from "Santa." A cream corduroy dress, a light blue shirt, a new bib (pictured, the wipeable kind which we LOVE), a wooden baking set complete with wooden chocolate chip cookies (which I forgot about that night and found it the next day under the tree), and new Mustela Dermo-Cleanse (it's simply the best baby soap).

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And then dessert!

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I would like to add more family traditions to our Christmas celebration. However, this year was busy (is December ever NOT busy?) so maybe next year. Maybe I should add a new tradition every year. That's not quite as overwhelming.

A few other things I want to do in the next few Christmases, but didn't quite get to this year are: Have special Christmas dishes. Get a nativity set. A prettier Christmas tree. Watch The Nativity Story together. Oh, and put a small tree or lights in the kids' rooms, that would be fun in a few years.

I'll leave you with this:

Recipe for Swedish Pancakes
3 c milk
3 eggs
1/2 t salt
2 T oil
3 T sugar
1 1/2 c flour

Blend in blender. Fry one at a time in butter. Serve with lingonberries and powdered sugar. May be frozen and reheated.

***Did you know there is another Callie ______ (insert our last name) we are related to? A relative of Kyle's in Sweden...he actually went to Sweden and met her while we were in college. Just a random fact that I thought was fun! We didn't purposely name her Callie after the Swedish Callie, but thought it was more confirmation that we had chosen the right name when we realized it.


  1. Sounds like good traditions!

    Our recipes for Swedish pancakes are so different but they look so similar! I bet they were yummy!

  2. thanks for the comment on my blog. i'm glad you love the mini french bakery theme...
    i'd definitely be willing to share the invitation with you.
    i created it in adobe illustrator. do you have that or photoshop?

    let me know...
    email me direct @

  3. I was wanting to start some family traditions too and ran out of time. Thankfully Logan is so little...we can just start next Christmas :-)

  4. thanks for letting me know! sorry about that, your link is all better now!
