Oct 12, 2009

10 Reasons It's A Rough Day

rough day

1. I took a short {10 minute} nap this afternoon, and mom didn't immediately get me out of my crib {because she wanted to see if I would fall back to sleep. No such luck}.

2. Mom will not let me play with the cords to the TiVo. But I love those cords, they are so much fun!

3. I might be teething. I'm not sure yet, mom can't see any teeth. But I just might be. I'm definitely acting like it.

4. My face gets all red and puffy when I cry {just like my mom's does}.

5. I reallllly want to play with mom's blackberry. But she takes it away from me every time I get it. All the buttons look like so much fun. Can I have a blackberry, too?

6. Lots of my toys are put away in storage or packed in the garage {because we are moving soon}. I mean, what am I supposed to play with?

7. I shoved too many Cheerios in my mouth today at lunch and almost started to choke. Almost {she's fine, don't worry}. I'm really starting to love Cheerios.

8. The snow. At the beginning of October. If I was more than 8 months old, I might know that it's way too early for snow.

9. Mom keeps sticking her camera in my face.

10. I miss my Grandmas!!! Come visit me soon!

Love, Callie


  1. we can totally relate to the short naps. so frustrating. hopefully we'll all figure out how to lengthen those soon! --christy & norah :)

  2. Wow, a great picture of her. You're getting really good at it!

  3. Grandma L thinks you are a beautiful little girl, Callie. I miss you, too....see you soon.

  4. I definitely think Callie needs a Grama to make it all better : )

  5. What an adorable picture! She is just so stinkin cute! If I didn't live across the country I would drive right over to your house to give her a big hug :)
