Sep 1, 2009

It's Almost Here

If this doesn't make you think of fall, then what does! My baby is ready for fall, it's almost here! It sure feels like it lately, doesn't it?

Fall is my absolute favorite season. It makes me think of hooded sweatshirts, Uggs, bonfires, fall leaves, and football (although I can't say I really pay attention when I watch it). Summer is my second favorite season, so I have to try not to wish that it ends quickly.

We had a nice weekend in Clear Lake. It was pretty cool out, so it definitely felt like fall. We played whiffle ball. Most families have enough people for a team. We have enough people for two teams (mom, dad, me, Kyle, Kiley, Matt, Brady, Lena, Wesley, Jasey, and Callie of course as the cheerleader). We also made s'mores (I love s'mores) with these giant marshmallows. I'm not sure if you can tell by the picture just how giant they are! Mmmm...


  1. I love the way the background fades in the picture of Callie. Must be a special camera setting? You're a good photographer. You also have an extra cute subject!!

  2. I LOVE fall! I only wish we had fall here in AZ.
