Aug 12, 2009

6 Months

Happy 6 month birthday, sweetie! You are getting too big too fast! For your birthday, we had a little party with Aunt Kiley and Uncle Matt. They came over for dinner (pork tenderloin, sweet potato risotto, cornbread muffins and salad) and then we had cake (you had sweet potatoes) and opened presents! You were pretty excited about the presents....and the wrapping paper! My favorite memory was when we sang happy birthday to you. You just looked around the room with this huge smile on your face! You just loved the attention (you must take after both of your parents)!

Mommy and Daddy got you a doll (we think it looks like you with blue eyes, a little bit of hair in front, and a round little face). Kiley and Matt got you a toy and a dress. What a great little birthday!


Weighs 17 lbs 1 oz (50-75th percentile)

Height is 26 1/4" (50-75th percentile)

Head Circumference is 16 1/2" (25-50th percentile)

Sits up all by herself!

Really wants to crawl

Does "baby yoga" like the plank and downward dog positions =)

Size 3 Huggies

Wears 6-12 month clothes

Not crazy about baby food, but likes peaches

No teeth yet

Loves to spit your tongue out at people and spit!

Smiles are everyone

Loves to roll and scoot around on the floor

Strangers always comment on how beautiful and good you are

Still doesn't sleep through the night

Takes short naps

Loves toys

Loves attention

Such a happy baby

We love you, Callie!


  1. So sweet!! I love the pictures Michelle took of her too. They're so beautiful!

    We're not sleeping through the night either...were for a little bit, but not any more. Hopefully soon, huh?!

  2. She's so cute. And I love that you celebrated her 6 month birthday.

    Can't wait to meet her in person and see y'all!

  3. Happy half Birthday, Callie! You are a beautiful little girl. A wonderful little treasure for the Lord! Keep enjoy every minute of her.

  4. Happy 6 Months, Callie! Sounds like you had a fun party!

  5. Your birthday party was SO much fun Cal. My favorite part was watching you tear the wrapping paper off your present and immediately stick it in your mouth! :) Love you, sweet girl!
