Jul 20, 2009

Best Birthday Gift

Callie decided to give me a great present for my birthday today...she slept through the night last night!

I'll say it again. She slept through the night last night!!! In her crib!

I put her to bed at 8:45pm, then woke her up for a feeding at 10:30 just before I went to bed (called a dream feeding - thanks for the tip, Kristy). Then I didn't hear her again until 6:30am, when I heard her talking to herself in her crib.

What a great way to wake-up, to the sound of your cute little baby's voice. After sleeping 7 hours straight!!!

I guess I'm not one of those lucky moms whose baby sleeps ten hours straight, right away. I've been tired. We've tried everything. Putting her on a schedule. Not nursing her to sleep. Having wake-time after a feeding. Feeding solid food. Feeding solid food right before bedtime. Swaddling her. Not swaddling her. Swaddling only her body and not her arms. Using a pacifier. Putting her down and letting her cry for naps (disclaimer: we didn't try this until 4 months, which I think is when they are old enough to console themselves supposedly). Putting her down and letting her cry at night. Letting her cry at night so she would learn to fall back asleep on her own (not too long though, and I usually would go in and check on her). This has been fairly recently, and it might have helped to do the trick).

Let's hope this becomes more than just a one-night fluke and an every night occurrence!


  1. What a nice birthday gift - they have funny timing like that don't they? Abbie first started giving me real kisses on Valentines Day last year - so sweet. Hope you have a great birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday!

    If she continues, she'll beat Levi. I think he's slept through twice.

  3. Happy Birthday Sweetie! How nice Callie let you sleep all night. Hope she keeps it up. Can't wait to see her (and you!)this weekend.

  4. YAY Callie!!! Way to go!! And happy birthday, Nealy...I agree, that's a GREAT present. Just don't get discouraged if she doesn't do it every night from here on out...sometimes it takes awhile for them to do it consistently. But I hope and pray that she does!

  5. That's awesome--Hope it happens again tonight!

    Happy Birthday!

  6. Happy Birthday Nealy, what a wonderful gift! Hope Callie continues to do it from this point on.

  7. Oh, congratulations! I hope it is a trend that is here to stay.

  8. Yeah!!! That's exciting. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!

  9. Hope you had a fantastic birthday, Nealy! What a great way to start the day!

  10. totally! Adelyn still wakes up wanting her pacifier every night, and we've been doing the cry it out thing and it's not working! I did the dream feeding thing at 4 months with her and it worked...she started going 6 hours at night and now she's 7pm to 5am without feeding...but she STILL wakes up wanting the stupid pacifier....it's a tricky thing getting them to sleep :) Yay for your first full night! that's the perfect b-day present! :)
